Jumat, 06 April 2018

the nature of counseling in education (tugas bk 2)

As an institution that serves to improve the quality of Indinesia's human resources, the world of education is now gaining huge and complex homework that is preparing human resources ready to compete in this era of globalization. Many have been done by the government through the world of education to prepare the national buds that are ready to compete in the global market. Things that have been done by the education world such as redesigning the curriculum of education from the Curriculum-Based Area (KBK) become the Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP), standardize the National Examination and 20% budget allocation to the world of education, improve teachers' welfare, education free, this is all done by the government to create a generation of nation that can compete in various fields in order to balance the speed of free market competition.

Guidance and counseling is a support service for learners, either individually or in groups to be independent and able to grow optimally, in personal, social, learning and career through
various types of services and support activities based on normanorma apply (SK Mendikbud No. 025 / D / 1995). Character education is a learning process of impacting value on how to live and make decisions. Character consists of behavior the good and the bad that have an impact on intellectual, personal, and development social. Character education can also be delivered through a variety how well school, family, religious participation, group activity, or
other values. 

According to Kertajaya (2010: 3), character is "characteristic" owned by an object or an individual. Such characteristics are original and entrenched in the personality of the object or the individual, and is the engine "that encourages how one acts, behaves, speaks, and responds something. Character education can be done with various approaches and can in the form of various activities conducted intra-curricular or extracurricular. Intrakurikuler activities are integrated in subjects, whereas extracurricular activities are performed outside the lesson hours. Strategy in character education can be done through the following attitudes (a) Exemplary, (b) Disciplinary Planting, (c) Habituation, (d) Creating conducive atmosphere, and (e) Integration and internalization (Hidayatullah, 2010:41-52). 

The cultivation of character education for students is very important. A research according to Pala (2011: 2) states that character education is a national movement implemented by schools to create ethical students such as caring, honesty, justice, and respect for self and others. So they can apply it in everyday life. Teachers must have a strong commitment to education holistically centered on the potential and needs of learners. Educator also must be able to prepare learners to be able to seize opportunities and the progress of the world with the development of science and technology. However, at the other hand, education should also be able to open the eyes of the learners to be able to see the problems of the nation and the world, such as poverty, hunger, gaps, injustice, and environmental issues.

Counseling Guidance in Early Childhood (tugas bk 1)

As the scientific study progresses, the current definition of guidance changes even though it does not leave its essence as a process of aid activity. Muro & Kottman (Nurihsan, 2003: 11) explained that the guidance that developed today is the guidance of development. The vision of guidance is educative, development and outreach. Educative because the emphasis of counseling services is emphasized on prevention and development, not corrective or therapeutic, although the service is also not ignored. Development due to orientation of guidance targets is the optimal development of all aspects of individual personality with efforts to provide ease of development through the development of environmental engineering. Outreach because the target population of counseling services is not limited to troubled individuals but all individuals with regard to all aspects of their personality in all their life contexts (problems, intervention targets, settings, methods, and length of service). Guidance techniques used include learning techniques, information exchange, role playing, tutorials, and counseling.

According to Crow & Crow (M. Surya, 1988: 45) guidance is defined as the help given by a person both men and women who have good personal and adequate education to an individual of any age to help him, develop his own life activities, choice of his own, and shoulder his own burden.

Based on the opinion of experts on the concept of guidance and counseling, guidance and counseling in early childhood can be interpreted as a relief effort undertaken by teachers / companion to early childhood so that children can grow and develop optimally and able to overcome the problems faced.