Jumat, 06 April 2018

Counseling Guidance in Early Childhood (tugas bk 1)

As the scientific study progresses, the current definition of guidance changes even though it does not leave its essence as a process of aid activity. Muro & Kottman (Nurihsan, 2003: 11) explained that the guidance that developed today is the guidance of development. The vision of guidance is educative, development and outreach. Educative because the emphasis of counseling services is emphasized on prevention and development, not corrective or therapeutic, although the service is also not ignored. Development due to orientation of guidance targets is the optimal development of all aspects of individual personality with efforts to provide ease of development through the development of environmental engineering. Outreach because the target population of counseling services is not limited to troubled individuals but all individuals with regard to all aspects of their personality in all their life contexts (problems, intervention targets, settings, methods, and length of service). Guidance techniques used include learning techniques, information exchange, role playing, tutorials, and counseling.

According to Crow & Crow (M. Surya, 1988: 45) guidance is defined as the help given by a person both men and women who have good personal and adequate education to an individual of any age to help him, develop his own life activities, choice of his own, and shoulder his own burden.

Based on the opinion of experts on the concept of guidance and counseling, guidance and counseling in early childhood can be interpreted as a relief effort undertaken by teachers / companion to early childhood so that children can grow and develop optimally and able to overcome the problems faced.

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